Fikzio seriatua hizkuntza gutxituetan: Goenkale eta Pobol y Cwm-en kasuak.
Goenkale, the referential and long running basque soap opera will be ending in the winter of 2015. It is a good moment to think about writing serial fiction for television in minority languages.
Three TV writers will share with us their experience and opinion on the matter: Gareth Evans from the veteran welsh speaking Pobol y Cwm series – on air for 41 years in a row- and Pedro Fuentes and Jose Luis Aranguren “Txiliku” from the aforementioned Goenkale series. The round table will offer the chance to reflect on the status and situation of TV fiction in Basque and Welsh languages and to explore the relations between (writing) literature and television.
December the 10th at 18:00 in the Ellacuría Room in the Library building of the Bilbao Campus. Free entry.
Basque-english-basque simultaneous translation will be provided.