CNC Milling workshop. Taller de fresado CNC

CNC Milling workshop. Taller de fresado CNC
17:00 – 20:00
Deusto Fablab. Edificio FabLab, Universidad de Deusto

During this workshop we´ll use an open source digital model to pshysically reproduce a 3D dinosaur scheleton. During this workshop the atendees will get familiarize with the Digital Fabrication concept translated to a CNC milling machine. Participants will go over everything from safetly precautions to milling software and actual milling process. After the milling process is done, we will assemble the newly produced 3D model and expose it in our FABLAB. Beside the newly learned techniques and digital fabrication introduction the atendees leave the event with a small scaled model of the 3D dinosaur they just saw taking life. ¡Limited capacity of 6 persons! Hurry up and reserve your place.

Deusto FabLab


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