Rating system effectiveness as a basis for Higher education quality assessment improvement by the example of Bashkir State University (Russia), Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (Kazakhstan), and European universities

Rating system effectiveness as a basis for Higher education quality assessment improvement by the example of Bashkir State University (Russia), Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (Kazakhstan), and European universities
09:00 – 10:00
CRAI, Aula 3, planta 7
Renata Lukmanova, Associated Professor, Dean’s Deputy for Training Affairs, Bashkir State University, Russian Federation, Visiting Researcher at Deusto International Tuning Academy (Short-Term Visits Scholarship Scheme) will present on a research project that explores the Rating system as a key tool for higher education quality assessment in Russia and Kazakhstan. Main objective of the project – to build strategy of improvement Bashkir State University’s (BSU) and Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute’s (RSPI) quality assessment systems through mutual enrichment, and using Tuning Academy data on Europe – three-sided (Russia-Kazakhstan-Europe) comparative analyses is carried out.  Problems of the Module-rating system (MRS) are identified by means of: 1) questionnaires on the BSU MRS for tutors 2) analyses of the legal base (documents) for education quality assessment of three parties. Recommendations on how to solve MRS problems are elaborated.
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