Education Research Seminar: Exceptional Teaching for Disadvantaged Schools
The Australian National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools (NETDS) program began in 2009 at the Queensland University of Technology and now, with major philanthropic support, is delivered at 7 universities across Australia. The program has been widely acknowledged as having systemic ‘real world’ impact on Initial Teacher Education in the recent Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers report (2015).
This seminar will explain the program and its impact on initial teacher education programs in Australia and internationally. We will also engage in a conversation around some of the complexities of the program including i) negotiating support from the corporate and philanthropic sector;? ii) resisting misinterpreted co-option into debates about pathways into teaching and quality teaching.
Jo Lampert
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Associate Professor is co-director of the National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools program at Queensland University of Technology. The majority of her current work is in teacher education for high poverty schools, equity and social justice and Abor iginal and Torres Strait Is lander education. Dr. Lampert has authored and co-edited several books including Teacher Education for High Poverty Schools (Lampert & Burnett, Springer, 2015) and is a research partner on large Australian and international grants including an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage gr ant (partnering with the Department of Educ ation) and European Commission Horizon 2020: Marie Sk?odowska-Cur ie SALECOM project: Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century.
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