How do the most amazing Artificial Intelligence applications work?

How do the most amazing Artificial Intelligence applications work?
18:30 – 19:30
Seminario online
Alfonso Medela will show us a review of the most surprising artificial intelligence applications and will explain in a simple way how neural networks have been trained to perform tasks such as text generation, image, cancer detection, segmentation, and more! How is each type of network trained? What data do we need? What results can we expect? We will learn that by applying the same methods on our data and using our domain knowledge, we can create new applications that will be references in the future.

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The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t stop data, especially in an era when digitisation has brought so much data that we have precisely the opposite problem: how can we separate signal from noise? how can we understand those complex charts they show us? how can we know which information is true and which is not? To show our solidarity and commitment, at Deusto BigData we will be launching a series of webinars where, in 45 minute sessions, we will receive a few tips and practical workshops to learn and continue practising in this fascinating world of data.

You will be able to ask questions in written form through the Zoom platform.

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