Cuestiones prejudiciales candentes en Luxemburgo y su posible impacto en una aplicación privada del derecho de la competencia más eficiente
On 11 October, at the Voxel School in Madrid, we will be holding a conference entitled ‘Hot preliminary ruling issues in Luxembourg and their possible impact on a more efficient private application of competition law’, in collaboration with the University of Valladolid, the University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
In the second part of the conference, we will analyse the response of the British and American courts to breaches of competition law in digital environments.
9:25 a.m., Opening
Carmen Herrero, Julia Suderow and Aitor Zurimendi
9:30- 10:15, ‘10 years of Directive 2014/104 and CJEU case law – where are we now, where are we going?
Zsuzsa Cserhalmi, European Commission
10:15- 11:45 a.m. Table 1
Moderator: Luis A. Velasco San Pedro, University of Valladolid
Eureka! Heureka does not apply
Jaume Martí Miravalls, University of Valencia
To join or not to join, Cesión de derechos de crédito, Rundholzkartell
Carmen Herrero Suarez, University of Valladolid
Where is my claim? Apple App Store and trucks: Private international law and digital markets
Julia Suderow, University of Deusto
11:45-12:15: Coffee break
12:15-14:00, Roundtable 2
Moderator: Marina Echebarría, University of Valladolid
Should I stay or should I go? Public enforcement and its impact on private enforcement – and vice-versa
Alex Ferreras, Linklaters, Miguel Sousa Ferro, Sousa Ferro Avogados
Family matters, intra-group liability and private enforcement. Life after Sumal
Silvia Gomez Trinidad, University of Barcelona
14:00-15:00, Lunch
Registration for the conference
This conference is part of the course ‘Competition Law and Public Administration’ given by the Faculty of Law of the University of Deusto.