PhD thesis defence by Andrés Urrutia on Basque language, co-official languages and legal relationships inter privatos

PhD thesis defence by Andrés Urrutia on Basque language, co-official languages and legal relationships inter privatos
11:00 – 13:30
Garate Room. Avenida de las Universidades 24 48007 Bilbao
Andrés María Urrutia Badiola, PhD student on the doctoral programme in “Instrumentos Jurídicos del Cambio Social y Económico”, will defend his PhD thesis entitled: “Lengua vasca, cooficialidad lingüística y relaciones jurídicas inter privatos. Análisis desde la perspectiva del euskera en el Derecho privado español, en el francés y en el de la Unión Europea”, supervised by Ricardo de Ángel Yágüez, next 10 July, in the Garate Room, Bilbao campus, at 11:00.

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