“Digital economy and society in the Basque Country”
18:00 • Opening
- Marijose Aranguren, Director-General of Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness.
- Alberto García Erauzkin, President of Euskaltel.
18:20 • Presentation of the Indicator for Society and Digital Economy in Europe
- Anna Armengol-Torío, Policy Officer – Digital Economy and skills. Directorate General of Communications, Networks, Contents and Technology of the European Commission.
18:40 • Presentation of the Basque case of digitalisation of the economy and society
- Agustín Zubillaga, Orkestra Researcher.
19:00 • Digitalisation – A consideration of the Danish case
- Yih-Jeou Wang, Main advisor of the Digitalisation Agency of the Finance Ministry of Denmark.
19:20 • Closing speech
- Arantxa Tapia Otaegi, Eusko Jaurlaritazko Ekonomiaren Garapen eta Azpiegitura sailburua