The impact of confinement on mobility in Spain: A look through Big Data

The impact of confinement on mobility in Spain: A look through Big Data
18:30 – 19:30
Seminario online
Javier Goikoetxea (Next group) will tell us how technology has had an impact on our lives and how we can model users’ ontology through it . From there, we will see the trends and evolution of the changes caused by coronavirus and we will finish with the 5 milestones that, according to the author, once the confinement is over will condition our mobility.

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The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t stop data, especially in an era when digitisation has brought so much data that we have precisely the opposite problem: how can we separate signal from noise? how can we understand those complex charts they show us? how can we know which information is true and which is not? To show our solidarity and commitment, at Deusto BigData we will be launching a series of webinars where, in 45 minute sessions, we will receive a few tips and practical workshops to learn and continue practising in this fascinating world of data.

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  1. Buenas Tardes

    Me encantaría participar pero quisiera saber si tiene algún costo tomar estos dos seminarios de big data.


    Johanna Ramirez

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