Meeting: Strategies for Navigating the International Odyssey

Meeting: Strategies for Navigating the International Odyssey
09:00 – 10:30
CRAI Biblioteca de la Universidad de Deusto . Ramón Rubial, 1 – 4º – 48009 Bilbao

Deusto Business Alumni, in collaboration with BBVA invites you to participate in the meeting organized under the title: Strategies to navigate the international odyssey.

In this event, with experts from BBVA, Grupo Arteche and GHI Smart Furnaces, we will address the challenges and opportunities of the business internationalization process. We will explore the different facets of the international strategy, addressing the key issues for its definition and the stakes and investments necessary for its execution. Through these case studies, lessons learned will be shared to inspire and help other companies in the process of international expansion.

Participants in the round table will include:

– Marta Alonso, Northern Territorial Director of BBVA.

– Iñigo Guinea, CEO of GHI Smart Furnaces.

– Laura Badiola, Project Manager Digital Measurement Solutions of Arteche Group.

The moderator of the event will be Ciara O’Higgins, professor and researcher of internationalization strategies at Deusto Business School.

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