Evaluation process to obtain the EUR-ACE® international seal of excellence in engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering. avda universidades 24, Universidad de Deusto
The Faculty of Engineering is currently undergoing an evaluation process by a panel of assessors to obtain the EUR-ACE® international seal of excellence in engineering for the following degree programme(s):

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology Engineering

Master’s degree in Industrial Organisation Engineering

Obtaining this seal brings the following benefits to successful programmes:

  •  Ensure that they meet the quality criteria established beyond our borders, criteria agreed by international quality assurance agencies in higher education, based on international standards recognised by employers in Europe.
  • Acknowledge quality within and outside the country where they are taught, being this recognition an incentive for prospective students to choose them, because this accreditation provides reliable information on the quality of the programmes that obtain an International Quality Seal (IQS).
  • Ensure employers of graduates of these programmes with the International Quality Seal that the knowledge and practical skills acquired by these graduates meet a set of international standards in education in the field of the degree related to the label they are applying for.

If you have any queries about the ongoing improvement of the assessed programme(s) or the university in general, please fill out the attached form and send it to the address indicated in it. This process is completely confidential, as the information on this form will be received by the University’s Quality Unit.

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