Make tangram T-shirts at Deusto FabLab
11:00 – 14:00
DEUSTOFABLAB. Edificio FabLab, Universidad de Deusto
In this course we will show you how to customise a T-shirt using vinyl cutting technology. To do this, we will use the tangram structure and each student will create a drawing that will be transferred to their T-shirt.
The aim of this workshop is to enhance students’ technological skills so that they can make the most of them and apply them to their creations.
We will show them the processes to follow: how to prepare the digital design for the technology used, cutting, cleaning residue and transferring the print onto the textile by means of heat. To teach this process, we will use a number of vector files previously prepared by us, which can be customised by students.
Course details
Course venue: FabLab Building, University of Deusto
Calendar and Timetable: 12 July 2016, from 11:00 to 14:00
Language: Spanish
Margarita Martínez. Graphic designer. Fab expert.