Inequality Webquest
INEQUALITY WEBQUEST seeks to approach reality and discover the causes of social inequalities arising from economic, social and gender reasons, both locally and globally, to achieve a Sustainable Human Development.
Sign up for free in the challenge with your group of friends and compete against other teams. You will also learn about othe realities. There are prizes worth € 800 to be divided between two categories, from 14 to 18 years and from 19-25. 4 to 6 people can participate in each group. Sign up now!
Participants: Groups of boys and girls aged 14 to 25 years.
Requirements: Having an ANDROID mobile device with data connection for each group.
Fee: Free!
Time: 11:00-13:30.
Date: 27 January
Venue: University of Deusto, Bilbao campus, Garate Room.
Further information: / Contact us: Tel: 944 151 135
The challenge is supported by Bilbao Town Council and DeustoTech.