Welcome to our Master in Finance participants
10.00 h Deusto Business School’s Dean Welcome: Alvaro de la Rica
10:05 h Career Services Department presentation
10:30 h Deusto Business Alumni presentation
11:00 h Aula TIC presentation
12:00 h CRAI Library visit
14:00 h Lunch
Some of the subjects of Deusto Business School’s Master in Finance are taught in english and includes an internship for all participantes.
The overall objective of the Master’s in Finance is for students to acquire an professional profile with advanced training that, in a relatively short period of time, allows them to take on responsibilities in the field of finance. A basic characteristic of the programme is the flexibility that participants gain in order to make them competent to work in many different fields of financial management (industrial and service companies, banking and financial institutions, asset managers, etc).