Jornada: Introducción a la psicoterapia experiencial: focusing
This day will address the basic fundamentals of experiential psychotherapy and the technique of body focus, and will provide an introduction to the six steps that make up the ‘Focusing’. This process of self-awareness consists in ‘focusing’, in finding that ‘felt sense’ that we all have in our body, which knows many things about us and what happens to us in a situation. That sensation allows us to better handle that which worries us or gets in our way.
Practical information:
Date: February 27, 2025
Time: 15:30h to 19:30h
Place: Bilbao Campus, Deusto Psych
Registration fee: 40 euros
Aimed at graduates in Psychology, students of 3rd and 4th year of Psychology and MIR in training in the specialty “Psychiatry”.