Jornada online: “Aportaciones y retos de la psicología forense en la práctica pericial”

Jornada online:
16:00 – 19:00
After the celebration of the I National Congress of Forensic Psychology (XI Convention of the APF), last April, the training program is completed, next November 29, Saturday, with the online conference: “Contributions and challenges of forensic psychology in forensic practice”, from 16:00 to 19:00 hours.

The contributions will be of rigorous topicality, transversal in the various fields of action of the forensic psychologist:

  • “Psychometric proposal for estimating suicidal risk in law enforcement agencies”. Winning communication of the I National Congress of Forensic Psychology. Enrique Gutierrez Jurado
  • “Psychopathological factors and their influence on the evaluation of the credibility of the testimony in minors victims of sexual aggression”. Winning poster of the I National Congress of Forensic Psychology. María Arántzazu García Rico
  • “Psychological expert evaluation of maturity for health decision making in minors”. José Manuel Muñoz Vicente
  • “Cognitive biases in forensic evaluation. Importance of specialized training”. Virginia Barber Rioja


  • Winner communication: Enrique Gutierrez Jurado
  • Poster winner: María Arantzazu García Rico
  • José Manuel Muñoz Vicente
  • Virginia Barber Rioja
  • Moderator: Fernando Álvarez. President of APF

Attendees at the Congress of Forensic Psychology, members of the COP Bizkaia, members of APF and students of Psychology (undergraduate or graduate) of the University of Deusto.


Official poster 

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