‘Habitat Bizkaia’ programme conference
In collaboration with the Zubietxe Foundation, in 2016 the Department of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality of the Biscay Regional Council launched the ‘Habitat Bizkaia’ programme, based on the “Housing First” methodology, on a trial basis. The aim was to solve the problems associated with the homelessness of people in a situation of social exclusion, who are highly resistant to intervention and/or with repeated episodes of failure. Two years later, the process of evaluation of the pilot project was carried out, which will be presented to the public on the above date.
9:30- Presentation. Teresa Laespada, Regional Council for Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality.
9:45.- 10:30.- Housing first. What is second?
Jose Manuel Caballol. Director of Hogar Si. RAIS Foundation.
10:30-11:30- ‘Habitat Bizkaia’ Evaluation.
Juan Manuel González de Audikana – Mikel Montero Matellanes. University of Deusto.
11:30- 11:50 Coffee break
11:50 – 13:00 – Roundtable discussion: La experiencia ‘Habitat Bizkaia’.
- Zubietxe Association
- Goiztiri Association
- Inclusion Service of the Biscay Regional Council
13:00- Discussion and conclusions. Moderator: Óscar Seco. Director of Social Inclusion.
Useful information:
Date: 28 February 2020
Venue: Ellacuría Room – CRAI Library
Time: 9.30 – 13.30
Please confirm attendance at: www.bizkaia.eus/inscripcion_social