Conference “Vilencia en el Noviazgo Adolescente”

09:30 – 12:00
Garate Room. Avenida de las Universidades 24 48007 Bilbao
The University of Deusto will be holding a Conference on “Violencia en el Noviazgo Adolescente” next Wednesday, 25 November. It has three main aims:

1) Show the prevalence of episodes of violence in adolescent dating and their relationship with a number of factors: drug abuse, school performance, gender ideology, etc.

2) Analyse the role played by the new technologies in the episodes of partner violence: the use of ICTs as abuse and control tools.

3) Reflect on the growing interest in the study of partner violence in adolescence: An old problem in a new research context?

This conference includes three lectures: “Violencia de pareja en adolescentes escolarizados en la CAV: diagnóstico, tipos de violencia ejercida y padecida y factores asociados a esta conducta” by Elisabete Arostegi Santamaría; “Relaciones de noviazgo a través de la pantalla.#control #conflictos #acoso #violencia #enviofotos. ¿Nuevos o viejos problemas?” by Estíbaliz Linares Bahillo; and “El repunte de la violencia en las parejas de adolescentes y jóvenes. ¿Un fenómeno social inesperado? by Lía González Estepa. Aurora Urbano will act as Chair.


Free admission.

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