Welcome sessions for new students | Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, San Sebastian campus
4 September, Monday
A welcome ceremony will be held for new students of the following degrees at the Arrupe building at 11:30: Communication, Communication + Technologies for Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia, Social Work, double degree in Social Education + Social Work and the double degree in International Relations + Law. The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Sport and the Dean of the Law School will welcome students. Afterwards, the heads of the degree programmes and the tutors will meet with the students for each degree programme.
5 September, Tuesday
Students of Communication, Communication + Technologies for Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia, Social Work, and the double degree in Social Education + Social Work will have the opportunity to learn about the University’s services (Deustocampus, Language Centre, Library), as well as the basic ICT tools at the University of Deusto, at 9:30 am in the Arrupe building’s lecture hall.