Conference on the educational challenges of the 21st century
The main objective of this conference is to present some of the educational challenges of the 21st century such as digitalization, emotional education, the Sustainable Development Goals, high capacities, cultural diversity, STEAM education and the amplificARTE methodology.
Among the speakers are Sandra Camós from the Princess of Girona Foundation, Arrate Ugalde (Coordinator of the Area of digitalization and techno-pedagogical innovation of Berritzegune Nagusia), Itziar Uribe (Innobasque), Miryam Martínez (University of Deusto), Samuel Fernández (UNEtxea), Arkaitz Zendagorta and Estibaliz Lancho (Sagrado Corazón ikastetxea) and David Martínez (director of the Amor Misericordioso school in Bilbao).
For those who would like to attend, please contact Arantza Arruti ( and Jessica Paños (