“La Abogacía Internacional y los Derechos Humanos”

17:00 – 18:30
Ellacuria Room. Calle de Ramón Rubial, 1 48009 Bilbao
A critical analysis of the model of independent advocacy in Spain: Sharing experiences of practice in other countries with a focus on international human rights cases.


Welcome: José Ramón Intxaurbe Vitorica. Dean of the Faculty of Law.


Fernando del Canto. English Barrister and Spanish lawyer. He leads the International Tax & Legal team at Del Canto Chambers.

Almudena Bernabéu. International lawyer specialising in Human Rights. Co-founder of Guernica 37 Group and Joint Head of Guernica 37 Chambers.

Eoin Mc Girr. English Barrister and Spanish lawyer. Director of Skills for International Lawyers at the University of Deusto.

At the end a cocktail will be served to celebrate the five graduating classes of the ‘Skills for International Lawyers’ qualification.


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