Miren Agur Meabe: “Nire Arestiar Lauburuak”. Gabriel Arestiren Ondarea Zikloaren itxiera hitzaldia
Miren Agur Meabe
Basque writer Miren Agur Meabe (Lekeitio, 1962) has written poetry (Oi, hondarrezko emakaitz, Bitsa eskuetan…), and literature for children and young people (Uneka… Gaba, Urtebete itsasargian…) and stories (Mila magnolia lore, Kristalezko begi bat….). She was awarded the Euskadi Prize for Children and Youth Literature and the Spanish Literary Criticism Prize.
In the closing session of the conference cycle “Gabriel Arestiren Ondarea”, Miren Agur Meabe will discuss the four asterisks in “Lau ohar denboraren orratzetan”, which marks the 50th anniversary of the book of poetry “Harri eta Herri”, written by Gabriel Aresti.
Places are limited. Registration form.
Further information: Tel: 944 139 020.