Defense of the PhD thesis of Aitor Martínez entitled "Out-of-distribution detection in open-world machine lear...
11:00 - 14:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
Defense of Alain Garalde's PhD thesis entitled "Talde laneko gaitasunaren autoebaluazioa eta koebaluazioa goi ...
16:00 - 19:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
XXVIII Brother Oroz Photography Contest. Last day to submit entries
Deusto Campus, Bilbao campus, San Sebastian campus, Madrid Headquarters
20º aniversario del centro Orain Berriztu “El suicidio en la adolescencia: necesidad de atención psicoterapéut...
10:00 - 14:00
Auditorio Centenario, Bilbao campus
Defense of Lorenzo Pedrolli's PhD dissertation entitled "CFD-DEM Study of metallic powder flow in laser metal ...
12:00 - 15:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus