WEBINAR: Presentation of “EU MIGRATION AGENCIES. The Operation and Cooperation of FRONTEX, EASO and EUROPOL” by David Fernández Rojo

David Fernández-Rojo

David Fernández-Rojo

13:00 – 14:00

The LLM in International Legal Studies invites you to the presentation of the book EU MIGRATION AGENCIES. The Operation and Cooperation of FRONTEX, EASO and EUROPOL by the author David Fernández Rojo.

This insightful book analyzes the evolution of the operational tasks and cooperation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL). Exploring the recent expansion of the legal mandates of these decentralized EU agencies and the activities they undertake in practice, David Fernández-Rojo offers a critical assessment of the EU migration agencies.

Dr. David Fernández-Rojo is a researcher and assistant professor at the University of Deusto. David’s research focuses on the evolution of the operational cooperation and tasks conferred to the EU agencies, FRONTEX, EASO and EUROPOL. David is a key researcher in the Jean Monnet Network European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue and coordinator at the University of Deusto of the Jean Monnet Networks EU Law Enforcement and EU Counterterrorism. 


(free registration)

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