Webinar on “The COVID 19 Crisis: Lessons learned for managing future pandemics”
18:00 – 19:30
As some of the restrictions adopted to control the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic begin to be lifted and gradually return to a state of relative normality, it is time to ask what decisions have been taken to manage this crisis. More importantly, what lessons can be learned from it to better prepare us for the future?
To this end, this webinar was attended by five professionals with complementary experience in health crisis management, who discussed the following issues:
- What have we learned from managing this crisis?
- What can the experience of humanitarian actors contribute?
- What is the role of the European Union and the World Health Organization, and how is the National Early Warning and Rapid Response System (EWRS) coordinated with the EU and WHO alert networks?
- Fernando Almansa López: Independent humanitarian advisor. He has been humanitarian director of Oxfam International and director of International Cooperation of Oxfam Intermón.
- Daniel López Acuña: Professor at the Camilo José Cela University. He has been director for WHO’s Health Action in Crisis, where he has held various management positions for 30 years.
- David Noguera Hancock: President of Doctors Without Borders Spain.
- Juan Luis Uria Serrano: He has been medical inspector of the Basque Government’s Health Department, president of the Basque Parliament’s Health Committee and Osakidetza’s Regional Director.
- Leire Pajín Iraola: Director of International Development at ISglobal. She has been Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, and Director of the Secretariat of State for Cooperation and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
- Cristina Churruca Muguruza (moderator): Lecturer at the at the University of Deusto’s Human Rights Institute, director and coordinator of the NOHA Mundus Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Action.