Chair of Computational Mathematics Seminar: A numerical approach to the insensitizing control problem for the heat equation.

Chair of Computational Mathematics Seminar: A numerical approach to the insensitizing control problem for the heat equation.
10:00 – 12:00
Central Meeting Room at DeustoTech . DeustoTech ­ University of Deusto Av. de las Universidades, 24 48007 Bilbao ­ Basque Country ­ Spain
A numerical approach to the insensitizing control problem for the
heat equation.

Víctor Hernández-Santamaría

DeustoTech (Spain)

In this seminar, we present some results for the insensitizing control problem in the discrete setting of finite-differences. We prove the existence of a control that insensitizes the norm of the observed solution of a 1-D heat equation. We derive a relaxed observability estimate that yields a controllability result for the cascade system arising in the insensitizing control formulation. Also, we present numerical approximations of insensitizing controls for the heat equation by using the Hilbert Uniqueness Method (HUM).

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