Ana Guerreroren “Mathematical patterns associated with genetic recombination in HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 via explainability in CNNs. Relationship of interpretability scoremaps with viral phylogeny and the role of the third codon nucleotide” doktorego tesiaren defentsa

Ana Guerreroren
15:00 – 18:00
Gradu aretoa. Unibertsitate etorbidea 24 48007 Bilbao
Ana Guerrero Tamayok, Informazioaren Gizarterako eta Garapen Jasangarrirako Ingeniaritzako Doktorego Programakoak, Iker Pastor Lópezek eta María Dolores Moragues Tosantosek zuzendu dioten “Mathematical patterns associated with genetic recombination in HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 via explainability in CNNs. Relationship of interpretability scoremaps with viral phylogeny and the role of the third codon nucleotide” doktorego tesia defendatuko du. Doktoregaiak nazioarteko doktoregoko aipamena eskuratu dezake tesiarekin.
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