International Conference on Business Servitization – ICBS

International Conference on Business Servitization - ICBS
21/11/2019 – 22/11/2019
Edificio Aranzadi. Mundaiz 50
This edition of the International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS) aims at debating and shaping critical questions for the future development of the servitization field. Accordingly, the focus of this year is on multidisciplinary topics that may strengthen and consolidate emergent research perspectives, as well as, open new research directions in servitization literature. This year’s conference aims to discuss what are the future challenges of the servitization research field, and how can the servitization community develop the domain further. To do so, we encourage academics in providing new and emergent theoretical lenses that can contribute to developing servitization-related research in the future.

The ICBS is a conference traditionally targeted to business professionals, policymakers and researchers.  The conference aims to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet & share the cutting-edge developments in the field of servitization.

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