Modelling New Faculty Development Programme on the Effectiveness of Competency Based Education (CBE) Approach in a Sociology of Education Course

Modelling New Faculty Development Programme on the Effectiveness of Competency Based Education (CBE) Approach in a Sociology of Education Course
15:00 – 16:00
Aula 3, 7th floor, CRAI (library building). Ramón Rubial 1
Dr Kola Babarinde teaches Philosophy and Sociology of Education at Nigeria’s premier university, the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a pioneer Faculty Developer in Nigeria and currently the Director of the University of Ibadan Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; currently a Visiting Research Scholar with Deusto International Tuning Academy, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.

Dr Kola Babarinde will present a research report on the attempt to transform how teaching and learning is perceived and the necessary changes that should be made to move responsibility on learning more from teacher to students through greater engagement and participation. Course work was used to address not only issues of subject specific competences but also of generic competences which students found more relevant and participatory. Assessment was made of course, the teacher and the students to determine effectiveness and success at this project is to serve as basis of the Faculty Development Programme of the university.

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