Skills for International Lawyers. Class of 2020’s farewell online event
16:00 – 17:00
Dear students of Skills for International Lawyers,
Deusto Law School would like to invite you to celebrate with us the farewell event of the first cohort of the new Degree. We will take stock of the achievements and will look to the future.
Please, join us!!
Program of the day:
- Welcome Address: Gema Tomás, Deusto Law School, Dean.
Jesús Riaño, Deusto Alumni. - Farewell words: Eoin Mcgirr, Director of Skills for International Lawyers.
- “Skills for International Strategic Litigation”, Rafael Cid, Gentium, Law Firm, Madrid.
- Evaluation by students: the Way Forward.
- Some words by Mikel Mancisidor and David Fernández Rojo, lecturers.
- Closure.