Corporate Entrepreneurship Club with Javier Nuche, General Manager, Atresmedia Diversificación

The forum is usually organised as a business breakfast for some 25 executives from big companies. Each month, an executive openly shares his/her firm’s experience in this relaxed atmosphere.
This time the keynote speaker will be Javier Nuche. He started his career at Deloitte, where he developed auditing and consultancy projects in the media and telecommunications industry. Then he worked at Altadis, where he led several international projects as senior auditor. He joined Antena 3 in 2007, where he was appointed Strategy Manager in 2011, a position where he has run several corporate development projects for Atresmedia Group. Nuche has been General Manager at Atresmedia Diversificación since February 2014, an area aimed at bringing together and promoting the Group’s activities and businesses that are not directly dependent on advertising revenues in Spain, such as international development, publishing business, new businesses and media for equity.