International Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement

International Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement
06/02/2022 – 06/03/2022
Universidad de Deusto
The “refugee crisis” revealed the urge to ensure the functioning of the Schengen area and the Common European Asylum System, the need to operationally assist those Member States most affected by the sudden and extraordinary arrival of mixed migratory flows, and the need toeffectively and uniformly implement the EU measures regarding migration, asylum and border management. It is necessary to promote a transnational dialogue among administrations at the EU, national and local level, as well as toadopt effective measures that overcomethe existing implementation deficit concerning migration, asylum and border management. In this regard, forexample, EU decentralized agencies in the Area of Freedom, security and Justice have emerged as key actors, not only in providing operational assistance to frontline Member States, but also ineffectively and uniformly implementing the EU border management, migration and asylum laws and policies adopted. The focus of the EU in border management, migration and asylum matters is shifting from adoptingmeasures to tackling the existingimplementation deficit. Therefore, on June 2-3, 2022 the international conference of the Jean Monnet Networkon  EU Law Enforcement to be held in person at the University of Deusto will address these topics.
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