Rural & Urban Conference | Remote experimentation to democratise access to science and technology in education: The case of rural schools.
Project R3: Rural, Remote and Real, Fostering STEM vocations in rural schools through remote experimentation
Presented by:
Cristina Giménez Elorriaga
Forotech coordinator
Javier García Zubia
Engineering Research Lecturer at Deusto- Responsible for Project R3: Remote, Remote and Real
Engineering Research Lecturer at Deusto- Responsible for Project R3: Remote, Remote and Real
José Luis Murillo García
Retired lecturer and founder of the website
Rogeli Santamaría Luna
Lecturer and Inspector of Education for the Generalitat Valenciana.
Diego Casado Mansilla
Lecturer and researcher at the University of Deusto
Garate room and live streamed
Garate room and live streamed