Defense of Alberto Miranda's doctoral thesis entitled "The art of cyber threat hunting: harnessing AI for addr...
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
Defense of the PhD thesis of Douglas Oliveira Diniz Gonçalves entitled "La trayectoria de demarcación de tierr...
11:00 - 14:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
Defense of the doctoral thesis of Irene Díez entitled "New methods for the integrity of the data flow in opera...
11:00 - 14:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
Defense of the doctoral thesis of Paula Perez entitled "Efectos de un programa de musicoterapia en cuidadores...
12:00 - 15:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
XVIII Liga de debate académico San Francisco Javier
02/21/2025 - 02/22/2025
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Defense of Irune García's doctoral thesis entitled "Efectos de un programa neuro-psicosocial de teleasistencia...
12:30 - 15:30
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus
Defense of María Teresa Gamito's doctoral thesis entitled "Bitácoras de prácticas: sus contribuciones a la co...
11:00 - 14:00
Assembly Hall, Bilbao campus