Deustalks with Antonio Flores, Chief Executive of Loop Unique Companies

Deustalks with Antonio Flores, Chief Executive of Loop Unique Companies
19:30 – 21:00
Sede Deusto Business School en Madrid . C/ Castelló, 76 28006 Madrid
Deusto Business Alumni will be holding a talk, as part of the Deustalks lecture series, on 23 June at Deusto Business School in Madrid entitled: “Modelos de negocio únicos: Cómo competir para que las empresas sean únicas”. This talk will be given by Antonio Flores, Chief Executive of Loop Unique Companies.

Flores will talk about “How can we add strategic value to the company through innovation?”  Today being excellent is not enough; companies must be unique as they face markets with an excess of production and supply where there are a large number of competitors for the same customers.   Only those business models that manage to be unique will survive, becoming market benchmarks. This session will address the keys to adding strategic value to the company through the analysis of business models, innovation and technology.


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