“World Designers Day – “3D printing in industrial design”
Advantages such as customisation, efficient production, accuracy and increasingly diversified materials are making this technology the perfect match for industrial designers. In fact, leading trademarks such as Nike, Nokia, Lego or Disney are already designing products to be made with 3D printing.
This talk will take a look at real cases where this technology is being applied. And as we want to offer you other views apart from ours, we have invited professional designers in the Basque country so that they can share some of their real experience in this area with us:
Speakers already confirmed:
– Alex Ochoa, from Klap company for product design + Lean Startup.
– Charbell de Soto from Osteophoenix company.
Attendance is free and it will be held in Ingenio Room, thanks to the collaboration of Deusto’s Fab Lab.
For further information, you can write to: 3dhubsbilbao@gmail.com