Person-Centred Design I, Research, Empathise and Define!
The European SIKE Project, Social Innovation through Knowledge Exchange, is an Erasmus+ knowledge partnership programme with a two-fold objective. On the one hand, it seeks to boost social innovation through knowledge exchange, thus creating alliances between the different stakeholders and, on the other hand, it aims to promote the development of social entrepreneurial skills.
Within the framework of this European project, the need for training in this area has emerged. Today’s workshop is entitled: Diseño centrado en la persona I (investiga, empatiza y define).
Session contents: An introduction to Design Thinking (DT). Objective and first stages of the process (research, empathise, define) and possible tools (PESTLE, Stakeholder’s map, empathy map, user’s journey map…).
Led by: Alex Filiatreau – Apitropik Human Centered Innovation
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