Deusto 2020 Workshop on Basque Linguistics
16:30 – 20:30
Room A018. Avda, de las Universidades, 24 Bilbao
The Summer 2020 Deusto Workshop on Basque Linguistics aims to bring together linguists from the Basque diaspora at US universities with Basque linguists from the University of Deusto as well as other local universities in order to share their most recent research. For this purpose, a total of six presentations will be held on the Bilbao Campus on the afternoon of September 10th. Informal intellectual discussions and a hearty Basque lunch will follow
Euskal Hizkuntzalaritza jardunaldian parte hartu nahi nuke.
Eskerrik asko.
Zatoz, ba, arratsaldean Deustuko Unibertsitatera, interesgarria izango da eta…