Make a customised clock at Deusto FabLab

Make a customised clock at Deusto FabLab
11:00 – 14:00
DEUSTOFABLAB. Edificio FabLab, Universidad de Deusto
In this workshop we will teach you how to use the laser cutting and engraving technology to make a unique wall clock, with a custom design made by each participant. To do this, we will explain the basic tools of Adobe Illustrator design programme, which will allow you to create or adapt a vector design, which will be then cut and/or engraved on wood and methacrylate. (You can create an idea from scratch, or use one of the templates previously prepared by us, modify and customise them).

We will also see the necessary steps to take into account to manufacture with this technology. We will also explain how to operate the laser cutter, the types of work you can do (full or partial cut and engraving), and the materials used. We will also talk about the virtues of technology (accuracy, detail, speed, reproduction, etc.) and how this increases the range of possibilities in a design process. As we manufacture, each participant will assemble the structure cut with the clockwork mechanism.

Course details

Course venue: FabLab Building, University of Deusto

Calendar and Timetable: 19 July 2016, from 11:00 to 14:00

Language: Spanish


Margarita Martínez. Graphic designer. Fab expert.


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One comment

  1. Es interesante el curso, lástima que haya pasado para poder comprar uno o hacerlo por mi mismo, de todas formas googleando he visto que en esta tienda de tienen esos modelos a láser parecidos. Al final esperaré al próximo curso.

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