Law Seminars: Jornadas jurídicas por la palabra

Law Seminars: Jornadas jurídicas por la palabra
09:30 – 13:00
Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Bizkaia. Salón de Actos. . Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Bizkaia

Attendance mode: On campus and Online (via Zoom)



Gema TOMÁS MARTÍNEZ.  Dean of Deusto Law School, University of Deusto.

Ramón RODRÍGUEZ ARRIBAS. President of the Fundación para la Magistratura and former Judge  of the Constitutional Court.

Carlos FUENTENEBRO ZABALA. Dean of the Biscay Bar Association and President of the Basque Bar Council.

Emilio LAMO DE ESPINOSA VÁZQUEZ DE SOLA. Judge of the Bilbao Administrative Court No. 1 and Deputy Chairman of Territorial Section l of the Professional Association of the Judiciary (APM) in the Basque Country.


Opening Address: Monarquía Parlamentaria y Estado de Derecho.

Emilio LAMO DE ESPINOSA MICHELS DE CAMPOURCIN. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and former President of the Elcano Royal Institute.

Moderator: Santiago LARRAZABAL. Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Deusto.


Función pública; novedades jurisprudenciales de la Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo 

Rafael TOLEDANO CANTERO. Judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Javier MORENO GARCÍA. Member of ALEGO. Lawyer of the Office of the Vice-Ministry of Legal Regime of the Basque Government.

Moderator: Gorka DE BERISTAIN MORÁN. Lawyer of the Biscay Bar Association.


Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración derivada de la pandemia.

César TOLOSA TRIBIÑO. President of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Pedro GONZÁLEZ DOMÍNGUEZ. Member of ALEGO. Director of Litigation Department. Basque Government.

Moderator: María Jesús DEL BARCO MARTÍNEZ. Chief Judge of Madrid


Roundtable: Criterios seguidos por los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia durante el Estado de Alarma para dar respuesta a una situación excepcional.

Luis Ángel GARRIDO BENGOECHEA. President of the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country.

Francisco Javier PUEYO CALLEJA. President of the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Navarre.

Juan José CARBONERO REDONDO. Judge of the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Aragon.

Moderator: Patricia ARRIZABALAGA ITURMENDI. Judge of the Court of First Instance No. 14 of Bilbao.

15 October. Venue: Biscay Bar Association. Assembly Hall.


Lecture: Estado de Alarma, Derechos Fundamentales y Libertades Públicas; especial referencia a las sanciones administrativas. 

Sandra GONZÁLEZ DE LARA MINGO. Judge of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court.

Moderator: Mercedes GUERRERO ROMEO. President of the Provincial Court of Álava.


Lecture: Respuesta de la jurisdicción penal durante la pandemia; aspectos penales y procesales.

Eduardo PORRES ORTIZ DE URBINA. Judge of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Moderator: Julián GARCÍA MARCOS. Judge of the Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa.


Roundtable: Supuestos de abuso de posición dominante; CASO SUPERLIGA.

Manuel RUIZ DE LARA. Specialist judge of the Mercantile Court No. 11 of Madrid.

Olga AHEDO PEÑA. Specialist judge of the Commercial Court No. 4 of Madrid.

David SALINAS-ARMENDARIZ GONZÁLEZ. Member of ALEGO. Lawyer of the Vice-Ministry of Legal Regime of the Basque Government.

Moderator: Aner URIARTE CODÓN. Chief Judge of Bilbao.


Closing session.

Eduardo RUIZ VIEYTEZ. Professor of Constitutional Law and Vice-Rector of the University of Deusto.

Manuel ALMENAR BELENGUER. President of the Professional Association of the Judiciary.

Pedro Santiago ROMERO BUCK-ARSTADT. President of the Territorial Section l of the Professional Association of the Judiciary (APM).

Aitzol ASLA URIBE. Lawyer and member of the Governing Board of the Biscay Bar Association.

Conference DirectorEmilio Lamo de Espinosa Vázquez de Sola. Judge of the Administrative Court No. 1 of Bilbao and Deputy Chairman of the Territorial Section l of the Professional Association of the Judiciary (APM) in the Basque Country.


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