2nd Gizarteratzen Conference – “Communities for Resilience: The community network as a protection factor in preventing vulnerability”

2nd Gizarteratzen Conference -
09:00 – 14:00
Auditorium. Avenida de las Universidades 24 48007 Bilbao
In this new free conference, which will be held in Bilbao on 5 October, we will take a community-based approach to focus and reflect on the responses to individuals’ needs to prevent vulnerability.

Therefore, we will explore the importance and capacity of the community as a network, as a factor that promotes resilience and protection to prevent vulnerable situations through lectures, debates and experiences that highlight the importance of community intervention, particularly at a local level.

We believe that community intervention has a privileged framework at a local level from which to respond to social needs: based on proximity, prevention and on the necessary interaction with people. It is the neighbourhood, the territory where people have grown up and been raised; where we have sought and found help…

But it also reflects the socioeconomic and cultural changes such as the so-called “crisis of care” that involves a new collaborative approach to the different fields and departments (healthcare, education, social services…) involving new proposals from public institutions and social entities.

During this conference, a number of personal and community resilience models will be presented by experts with whom we will try to establish a dialogue that provides us with keys on: What aspects should be strengthened in community intervention with people receiving care…what professional roles and practices promote the improvement processes of groups in situations of vulnerability and/or at risk of social exclusion, lonely people, etc.

We will hear experiences that, in our view, are promoting the resilience of people and their environment, supporting processes with new professional proposals, looking beyond the groups receiving care and that provide more integrated responses.


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