Meeting: “Involucración de los accionistas en el gobierno de las sociedades cotizadas”
This meeting will include a roundtable discussion on the pros and cons of loyalty shares. Good corporate governance requires listed companies to avoid the risks of short-term management. On the other hand, loyalty shares recognise greater rights for long-term shareholders. This talk will be chaired by Ramón Múgica, lecturer at the University of Deusto and it will be attended by Luca Enriques, lecturer on the chair in corporate governance at Oxford and Gabriel Alsina, head of ISS for southern Europe.
Then, Iberdrola’s policy on shareholder involvement will be presented by Manuel Aragón, chairman of Iberdrola’s Committee for Shareholder Involvement and Iñigo Elorriaga, head of corporate governance at Iberdrola.
At the end of the event light refreshments will be served.