Financial Seminars 2020: Second Session
Deusto Business School, in collaboration with Deusto Business Alumni, will be holding the second session of the 7th Financial Seminars 2020 that will be held on 13 October at the Pedro de Icaza Auditorium. Entitled: Unión Bancaria y mercado de capitales. Sponsored by Vizcaína Aguirre Foundation.
Second session on 13 October:
13 OCTOBER | 18:00 – 21:00
Banking Union and capital market.
18:00. Presentation of the event.
Agustín Garmendia, Chairman of Deusto Business Alumni.
18:05 Visión desde la perspectiva de España.
Angel Berges, Vice-president and Founding partner of Analistas Financieros Internacionales. (conexión telemática)
18:05 Visión desde la perspectiva de España.
José Manuel Campa, President of the European Banking Authority. (conexión telemática)
19:25 Break
19:30 Roundtable chaired by Fernando Gómez-Bezares, Professor of Finance – University of Deusto.
20:00 Closing of event