UNIC Seminar | Layers of (good) urban governance: From sub-municipal councils to metropolitan authoritie
Good urban governance is a very salient topic for scientists as well as for practitioners. It has been strongly advocated by international associations, academic community and other relevant stakeholders. It is founded on a mixture of political, economic and social values which include: participation, responsiveness, legitimacy, transparency, accountability, fairness, cooperation, effectiveness, efficiency as well as quality, accessibility and affordability of local public services. In order to meet these demands, cities have diversified and adapted their politico-administrative structures. The need for additional governance layers is especially emphasized in more populous and spatially dispersed urban areas, but it is not negligible elsewhere as well.
How to achieve a harmonized approach to solving urban problems? How to coordinate activities and decisions of various layers of urban governance? What are the preconditions for good performance of sub-municipal governments? These are only some of the question’s seminar will address. Join UNIC Seminar and find out more about causes and effects, comparative trends and best practices in urban governance!
Lecture by Dr. Mihovil Škarica, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Local Government at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.
Language: English
Registration: free by sending an email to pbanicev@unizg.hr
Further information: https://unic.eu/en/events/unic-seminar-layers-good-urban-governance