Lives of women in transit

Lives of women in transit
15:00 – 16:30
Auditorium. Avenida de las Universidades 24 48007 Bilbao
Ignatius 500 is the Ignatian Year we celebrate to commemorate the 500th anniversary of an experience that changed Ignatius of Loyola forever, and gave rise to a spirituality that has facilitated the encounter with God for many people from generation to generation. It is more than a commemoration. In addition to recalling a historical event of universal relevance, we live it as an opportunity to update that experience in ourselves, in our relationship with God, with others and with Creation.

The University of Deusto is currently hosting several initiatives and, to prepare for the start of the second stage called “Fragmentation: Experiences that sensitise us and bring us closer to the fractures of the world”, a roundtable entitled: “Vidas de mujeres en tránsito/ Bidean doazen emakumeen bizitzak” will be held on 23 September.

The roundtable will be held in the Auditorium on the Bilbao campus from 15:00-16:30, and there will be the possibility of following the session online for those who cannot attend in person.

The aim of the session will be to approach the reality of women who migrate at different stages of their journey: the reasons why they decide to leave their countries, current migratory practices, the different forms of violence they suffer along the way, the impact of COVID and life at their destination. To this end, we will have the participation of 4 of the women who will accompany us and share their experiences:

  • Itziar Gandarias: Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Deusto.

  • Beatriz de Lucas: Social Participation and Impact Officer at CEAR Euskadi.

  • Mª Inmaculada Gala: Director of the Migration Office of the Archdiocese of Tangier.

  • Miriam Flores: Teacher of infant, primary and adult education, Bolivia.

  • Moderated by Javi Montes SJ. of Alboan.

This conference is organised by the University of Deusto, Alboan, the Ellacuría Foundation and CEAR Basque Country.

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  1. Sí, quiero asistir pero todavía no sé si será online.
    Se trata de una buena iniciativa.

  2. Será un honor participar de magno evento. Como alumna en práctica en Fundación Ellacuría, pude palpar el sentir del relevante trabajo que se realiza con Alboan respecto a las mujeres migradas y el compromiso que adquirimos todas y todos en la reinvindicación de la dignidad de cada una de ellas.
    Desde Chile, un abrazo fraterno a Claudia Favela y a todo su equipo humano.

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