Webinar: How can I properly plan a synchronous videoconference session?
17:00 – 18:00
A class by videoconference is not a face-to-face class, the timings, resources, activities and strategies to be implemented are different. Understanding the keys to this mode will help you to better plan and streamline your classes by videoconference.
And… if you also want to go one step further and learn how to design videoconference sessions based on the active participation and interaction of your students during the sessions… then this is your webinar.
We invite you to participate in the webinar series on online teaching organised by the Deusto Online Unit at the University of Deusto. They are especially designed for lecturers who are interested in continuing to learn about online teaching and receive training in these new ways of doing, teaching, learning, collaborating, etc. in digital environments.
Come and see us!
You can sign up on this link.
For further information, you can contact: deusto.online@deusto.es
Estimados, deseo inscribirme en el curso.
Buenos días Margarita,
Puedes inscribirte al webinar a través del enlace que aparece en el evento.
Si tienes cualquier duda, puedes escribirnos a deusto.online@deusto.es
Un saludo
Eskerrik asko prestakuntzagatik. Laster arte
Eskerrik asko zuei parte hartzeagatik!