Ethical competence and University-led Responsible Social Innovation (Tuning ISUR model). Links and implementation in Latin America.

Ethical competence and University-led Responsible Social Innovation (Tuning ISUR model). Links and implementation in Latin America.
14:00 – 15:30
CRAI, Aula 1 (7th Floor). C/Ramon Rubial 1, Bilbao
Javier Villar, Associate Professor of Ethical and Social Responsible Center. Catholic University of Temuco; a Visiting Researcher at Deusto International Tuning Academy (Short-Term Visits Scholarship Scheme).

Javier Villar will share his findings from the interviews and reflexions with experts about the comprehension of and the links between the ethical competence and the university-led responsible social innovation and discuss some ways of implementing the two competences. He will also propose a framework of narrative identity in which the two competences are situated and contextualised for Latin America.


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