Webminar: Master’s in Competitiveness & Innovation. Descubre las claves de este programa

El Director del Master’s in Competitiveness & Innovation James Wilson explicará a través de un webminar las claves de este programa y los beneficios que puede reportar a sus participantes.

El webinar tendrá una duración aproximada de 15-20 minutos.

18:00 – 18:30
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6 iruzkinak

  1. Buenas tardes,
    Estamos teniendo problemas técnicos. En breve comenzará el webminar.
    Disculpen las molestias

    Deusto Business School

    Good evening,
    We are having technical problems. The webminar will start in a few minutes.
    Sorry for the delay.

    Deusto Business School

  2. Thanks for an interesting webinar James.

    Although my background is Urban and Regional Economics, with quite a deep understanding of territorial competitiveness, I would be specially interested in new disruptive business models and how those would apply to traditionally conservative sectors such as financial, banking or legal areas.

    How flexible is the programme to get us internships in very concrete companies or business areas?

    Thanks a lot

  3. Thanks for your question Unai, and apologies for missing it at the end of the webinar – we saw the question just as we were finishing.

    Disruptive business models are a key element of analysis in modules in both the first and second semester, and in that sense there is plenty of scope to study and discuss their application to traditionally conservative sectors in the classroom. In terms of the internship the programme is also very flexible, and aims for you to develop an internship that fits your interests. Internships are offered by Deusto’s central office, by the programme itself, and you are also free to seek your own internship (which needs to be validated by the University through an agreement with the company), so between those three routes there is plenty of flexibility to look to find one that meets your needs.

    I hope that this helps, and please get in touch if you would like to talk more.

    Kind regards,


Utzi erantzuna Michael(r)i Utzi erantzuna

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