Foro UD de lenguas
Tuesday, March 12
11:00-11:15 OPENING ACT
11:15-12:30 Sheila Queralt (Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses) – Descifrando crímenes con palabras: la emocionante aventura de la Lingüística Forense
Chair: Irene Barberia (UD)
Lingüistas de hoy. Profesiones para el siglo XXI (2023). Entrevista a su autora, Sheila Queralt.
Chair: Francisco Soguero y Nicolás González (UD)
12:30-12:45 BREAK
12:45-13:00 KAHOOT COMPETITION (1)
13:00-13:30 ROUND TABLE 1: MoveIn Students
Chair: Ainhoa Huici (UD)
Emma Katja Renate (University of Leipzig)
My year in Bilbao – Studying at the University of Deusto
Hannah Dear (University of Mississippi)
Being an international student at the University of Deusto
Maite Wu (UD)
Participating in the Tandem Program
13:30-14:00 ROUND TABLE 2: MoveOut Students
Chair: Aitor Ibarrola (UD)
Ainhoa Huici (UD)
Erasmus in South Korea
Urko Rodríguez (UD)
Erasmus in the United Kingdom
Izaro Olano (UD)
Erasmus in Ireland
Wednesday, March 13
11:00-11:45 Lorena Ronda (UD)
Palabras que venden: marketing a través de las lenguas
Chair: Maialen Elguezua (UD)
11:45-12:30 Kristina Bilbao (EHU/UPV) & Ane Berro (UD) –
Gero ikusten gara elkar
Chair: Maren Bidaurratzaga (UD)
12:30-12:45 BREAK
12:45-13:00 KAHOOT COMPETITION (2)
13:00-13:30 ROUND TABLE 3: 4th Year Internships
Chair: Maria Jesús Pando (UD)
Itziar Mendizabal (UD)
My experience doing internships in different places
Nerea Aragonés (UD)
My internship experience in a language academy
Jone Alberdi (UD)
Doing the internship in summer
13:30-14:00 WORKSHOP 1: Facing the TFG.
Chair: Krisztina Szecsenyi (UD)
Alexandra Granados & June Etxeandia (UD alumni)
Ups and downs in the process
Thursday, March 14
11:00-12:00 Irene de la Cruz (UD)
How infants acquire their language(s)
Chair: Garazi Domínguez (UD)
12:00-12:30 ROUND TABLE 4: What comes after?
Chair: Asier Altuna (UD)
Ainhize Vela & Victoria Gutiérrez (MFPS UD)
Irati de Nicolás (former professor at U. Chicago and Etxepare irakurlea)
Video presentation: Almike Vazquez, on her work at Amazon
12:30-12:45 BREAK
12:45-13:00 KAHOOT COMPETITION (3)
13:00-13:30 WORKSHOP 2: On going TFG
Chair: Josu Bijuesca (UD)
Jon Zabala (UD)
Changes in the 20th century Basque literature: Analysis of the situation of national allegory from a post-nationalist point of view.
Ane Salazar (UD)
Attitude and perception of students on what is a good pronunciation in English language
Libe Urrutia (UD)
Brains behind second language teaching: understanding second language acquisition from a neurolinguistic perspective.
13:30-13:45 CLOSING ACT