The legal profession in a global world

Master of Laws in International Legal Studies

Master of Laws in International Legal Studies

16:00 – 16:45
Avda. Universidades 24
Within the framework of the Master of Laws in International Legal Studies (LLM) we invite you to join us in a session with these Professionals who will give you guidance on a legal career at an international level:

– Rafael Cid, Lawyer, Co-Founder and Director of Legal Strategies of Gentium

– Ane Azcunaga, Protection Officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Madrid

– Neide Giner, Global BD Manager at EXCELIA, Global Consulting Company


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  1. Buenas tardes,
    Me gustaria asistir la sesion se llama “The Legal Profession in a Global World,” que va a ser el dia 05/06/2021 a las 16:00 – 16:45.

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